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London is the Cat's Meow

You can't visit London without visiting Samuel Johnson's house. Well, you can, but you shouldn't. We actually didn't even go into the house because it wasn't open, however it ended up being a highlight due to the VERY important historical figure memorialized across from the house. This figure is none other than Hodge, Samuel Johnson's cat, who must have been quite the guy to have been so loved.  In The Life of Samuel Johnson, James Boswell wrote "I never shall forget the indulgence with which he treated Hodge, his cat: for whom he himself used to go out and buy oysters, lest the servants having that trouble should take a dislike to the poor creature" (294).  "A very fine cat indeed" I love how much Johnson loved his cat because I, too, have loved a cat that much. I got my first cat at the age of three and lost him when I was seventeen, and I loved that cat more than anything in the world. His name was Thomas and he was such a wonderful friend...

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