The Journey Begins...

Kelvingrove Museum in Glasgow, Scotland

 At last the trip has come and gone, and all that is left is to reflect on everything that we experienced while abroad. Our journey began in Scotland, our plane arriving in Glasgow, and I was delighted to spend some time in the Kelvingrove Museum before we headed off to Edinburgh. I had never been to Glasgow before so I am grateful I had the chance to see it for an hour or two before continuing on. 

The Kelvingrove was not my favorite museum of the trip, nor was it my favorite in Scotland, however I was excited that I was able to see Salvador Dali's Christ of St John of the Cross and a few Monet paintings. This past semester I took a course on Spanish Civilization and we spoke often of Dali's work and influences, so it was quite fitting to be able to see a piece of his in person. I am also a casual admirer of Monet's paintings, so to see a few of them was also pretty great. 

I took a picture of a taxidermized goose and we were on our way to Edinburgh.

I am pretty sure I fell asleep on the bus because I remember nothing of the ride there, but I do remember getting to the hotel having to go down several staircases and, like, twelve doors to find our room. I don't think anyone else understands how comically far our room was from everyone else's. We were practically in a dungeon. However it was clean and pretty large, so I was okay with it. There was, however, a gigantic spider on the curtain by my bed which was a bit terrifying, though thankfully Mira isn't afraid of them and flushed him down the toilet. Thanks Mira.

We had a group dinner at a place right near our hotel, and there was nothing special about the tomato soup and bread they gave us, but we were all so travel weary and starving that eating it was akin to a spiritual awakening. I immediately felt less sick, which was a welcome change from how I had been feeling after the very long plane ride, shorter plane ride, and subsequent bus ride that shuttled us from Monday to Tuesday. And no, I never slept on the plane. Practically impossible. 

All was well, though, because we had embarked on the first leg of our journey and adventure awaited us.

Inside the Kelvingrove


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